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Research Papers

Scholarly Publications
  1. Bautista, J.R., Zhang, Y., Gwizdka, J. & Chang, Y.S. (2023). Consumers’ longitudinal health information needs and seeking: A scoping review. Health Promotion International, 38(4), 1-15. [PDF]

  2. Sheng, A.Y., Gottlieb, M., Bautista, J.R., Trueger, N.S., Westafer, L., & Gisondi, M.A. (2023) The role of emergency physicians in the fight against health misinformation: Implications for resident training. AEM Education and Training, 7(Suppl. 1), S48– S57. [PDF]

  3. Bautista, J.R., Harrell, D.T., Hanson, L., Oliveira, E., Meyer, E.T., Khurshid, A. (in press). MediLinker: A blockchain-based decentralized health information management platform for patient-centric healthcare. Frontiers in Big Data (Special Issue: Innovations in Digital Health and Wellbeing), 6, 1146023. [PDF]

  4. Oktavianus, J. & Bautista, J.R. (2023). Motivating healthcare professionals to correct online health misinformation: The roles of subjective norm, third-person perception, and channel differences. Computers in Human Behavior, 147, 107839. [PDF]

  5. Bautista, J.R., Zhang, Y., & Gwizdka, J. (2023). Correcting health misinformation on social media: Effect of social correction methods on vaccine skeptics’ intention to take COVID-19 vaccine. New Media & Society. [PDF]

  6. Sheng, A.Y., Gottlieb, M., Bautista, J.R., Trueger, N.S., Westafer, L., & Gisondi, M.A. (2023). The role of graduate medical education in the fight against health misinformation. Journal of Graduate Medical Education, 15 (1), 9–14. [PDF]

  7. Bautista, J.R., Zhang, Y., & Gwizdka, J. (2022). Predicting healthcare professionals’ intention to correct health misinformation on social media. Telematics & Informatics, 73, 101864. [PDF]

  8. Bautista, J.R., Muhammad, U., Harrell, D.T., Meyer, E.T., Khurshid, A. (2022). Clinical, organizational and regulatory, and ethical and social (CORES) issues and recommendations on blockchain deployment for healthcare: Evidence from experts. Blockchain in Healthcare Today, 5, 199. [PDF]

  9. Bautista, J.R., Muhammad, U., Harrell, D.T., Desai, I., Holan, C., Cowley, C., Alexander, J., Hanson, L., Meyer, E.T, & Khurshid, A. (2022). Qualitative study of participant impressions as simulated patients of Medilinker – A blockchain-based identity verification application. Applied Clinical Informatics – Open, 6(1), e22-e33. [PDF]

  10. Harrell, D.T., Muhammad, U., Hanson, L., Desai, I., Shriram, J., de Oliveira, E., Bautista, J.R., Meyer, E.T, & Khurshid, A. (2022). MediLinker: Technical design and development of a digital patient-centric healthcare identity management platform using blockchain technology. Blockchain in Healthcare Today, 5, 196. [PDF]

  11. Bautista J.R., Zhang Y., Gwizdka J. (2022) Professional Identity and Perceived Crisis Severity as Antecedents of Healthcare Professionals’ Responses to Health Misinformation on Social Media. In: Smits M. (ed.) Information for a Better World: Shaping the Global Future. iConference 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13193. Springer, Cham. [PDF]

  12. Bautista, J. R., Zhang, Y., & Gwizdka, J. (2021). U.S. physicians’ and nurses’ motivations, barriers, and recommendations to correct health misinformation on social media: Qualitative Interview study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 7(9), e27715. [PDF]

  13. Li, L. & Bautista, J.R. (2021). Elaboration, cancer worry, and risk perception mediate the association of news attention and intention to uptake HPV vaccination:  Extending the cognitive mediation model. International Journal of Communication, 15, 4862–4883. [PDF]

  14. Bautista, J.R., Zhang, Y., & Gwizdka, J. (2021). Healthcare professionals’ acts of correcting health misinformation on social media. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 148, 104375. [PDF]

  15. Ang, R.J., Bautista, J.R., & Sapul, J. (2021). Development, testing and evaluation of an electronic nursing kardex based on a content management system. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 16(1). 1-18. [PDF]

  16. Khurshid, A., Holan, C., Cowley, C., Alexander, J., Harrell, D. T., Usman, M., Desai, I., Bautista, J. R., & Meyer, E.T. (2021). Designing and testing a blockchain application for patient identity management in healthcare. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association - Open, ooaa073 [PDF]

  17. Bautista, J.R. (2020). Health literacy education and research in the Philippines: An agenda for Filipino information professionals during and after COVID-19. Philippine Journal of Librarianship and Information Studies, 40 (1), 41-46. [PDF]

  18. Bautista, J.R. (2020). Policy recommendations on nurses’ use of smartphones in the Philippines. International Journal of Medical Informatics142, 104250. [PDF] 

  19. Atique, S., Bautista, J.R., Block, L.J., Lozada-Perezmitre, E., Nibber, R., O’Connor, S., Peltonen, L.M., Ronquillo, C., Tayaben, J., Thilo, F.J.S., & Topaz, M. (in press). A nursing informatics response to COVID-19: Perspectives from five regions of the world. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(10), 2462-2468. [PDF]

  20. Lin, T.T.C., Bautista, J.R., & Core, R. (in press). Seniors and mobiles: A qualitative inquiry of mHealth adoption among Singapore seniors. Informatics for Health and Social Care. [PDF]

  21. Li, L. & Bautista, J.R. (2020). Incorporating communication factors in the theory of planned behavior to predict Chinese university students’ intention to consume genetically modified foods. International Journal of Communication, 14, 2338-2359. [PDF]

  22. Bautista, J.R., Lin, T.T.C., Theng, Y.L. (2020). The influence of organizational issues on nurse administrators’ support to staff nurses’ use of smartphones for work purposes in the Philippines: Focus group study. JMIR Nursing. 3(1) e17040. [PDF]

  23. Bautista, J.R., Lauria, P.A.S., Contreras, M.C.S., Maranion, M.M.G., Villanueva, H.H., Sumaguingsing, R.C., & Abeleda, R.D. (2020). Specific stressors relate to nurses’ job satisfaction, perceived quality of care, and turnover intention. International Journal of Nursing Practice, e12774. [PDF]

  24. Lin, T.T.C. & Bautista, J.R. (2020). Content-related factors influence perceived value of location-based mobile advertising. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 60(2), 184-193. [PDF]

  25. Li, L. & Bautista, J.R. (2019). Examining personal and media factors associated with attitude towards genetically modified foods among university students in Kunming, China. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(23), 4613. [PDF]

  26. Bautista, J.R., Ducanes, G., & David, C.C. (2019). Quality of nursing schools in the Philippines: Trends and evidence from the 2010–2016 Nurse Licensure Examination results. Nursing Outlook, 67(3), 259-269. [PDF]

  27. Bautista, J.R. (2019). Filipino nurses’ use of smartphones in clinical settings. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 37(2), 80-89 [PDF]

  28. Sesagiri Raamkumar, A., Bautista, J. R., Chen, T.Y., Shaik, M. A., Malhotra, N., & Theng, Y.L. (2018). Overview of health and wellness coaching training programmes across the globe. Care Weekly. [PDF]

  29. Ho, H.T., Carvajal, T.M., Bautista, J.R., Capistrano, J.D.R., Viacrusis, K.M., Hernandez, L.F.T., & Watanabe, K. (2018). Using google trends to examine the spatio-temporal incidence and behavioral patterns of dengue disease: A case study in Metropolitan Manila, Philippines. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 3(4), 118. [PDF]

  30. Bautista, J.R., Rosenthal, S., Lin, T.T.C., & Theng, Y.L. (2018). Psychometric evaluation of the Smartphone for Clinical Work Scale to measure nurses’ use of smartphones for work purposes. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 25(8), 1018-1025. [PDF]

  31. Bautista, J.R., Rosenthal, S., Lin, T.T.C., & Theng, Y.L. (2018). Predictors and outcomes of nurses’ use of smartphones for work purposes. Computers in Human Behavior, 84, 360-374. [PDF]

  32. Bautista, J.R. & Lin, T.T.C. (2017). Nurses’ use of mobile instant messaging applications: A uses and gratifications perspective. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 23(5), e12577. [PDF]

  33. Lin, T.T.C. & Bautista, J.R. (2017). Understanding the relationships between mHealth apps' characteristics, trialability, and mHealth literacy. Journal of Health Communication, 22(4), 346-354. [PDF]

  34. Lin, T.T.C., Li, L. & Bautista, J.R. (2017). Examining how communication and knowledge relate to Singaporean youths’ perceived risk of haze and intentions to take preventive behaviors. Health Communication, 32(6), 749-758[PDF]

  35. Bautista, J.R. & Lin, T.T.C. (2016). Sociotechnical analysis of nurses' use of personal mobile phones at work. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 95(11), 71-80. [PDF]

  36. Lin, T.T.C. & Bautista, J.R. (2016). Predicting intention to take protective measures during haze: The roles of efficacy, threat, media trust, and affective attitude. Journal of Health Communication. 21(7), 790-799. [PDF]

  37. Lin, T.T.C., Paragas, F., & Bautista, J.R. (2016). Determinants of mobile consumers’ perceived value of location-based advertising and user responses. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 14(2) 99-117. [PDF]

  38. Lin, T.T.C., Paragas, F., Goh, D. & Bautista, J.R. (2016). Developing location-based mobile advertising in Singapore: A socio-technical perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change.103, 334-349. [PDF]

  39. Bautista, J.R., Lin, T.T.C., & Theng, Y.L. (2016). How and why people use social TV systems? A systematic review of user studies. , Kauai, HI. (pp. 3868-3877), January 5-8, 2016. IEEE. Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS49)doi: 10.1109/HICSS.2016.482. [PDF]

  40. Bautista, J.R. (2015). From solving a health problem to achieving quality of life: Redefining eHealth literacy. Journal of Literacy and Technology, 16(2), 33-54. [PDF]

  41. Bautista, J.R. & Lin, T.T.C (2015). Tweeting Social Support Messages After a Non-celebrity’s Death: The Case of the Philippines' #Fallen44. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 18(11), 641-646. [PDF]

Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations
  1. Barnard, P., Bautista, J.R., Krook, J., Liu, A., Menéndez, H., Schmidt, A., & Sookoor, T. (2023, July) Machine Learning Auditing for Clinical AI Fairness (MACAIF). In Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems 2023 (TAS ‘23), Edinburgh, UK. [PDF]

  2. Schneiders, E., Williams, J., Farahi, A., Seabrooke, T., Vigneswaran, G., Bautista, J.R., Dowthwaite L., & Piskopani, A-M. (2023, July). TAME Pain: Trustworthy AssessMEnt of Pain from Speech and Audio for the Empowerment of Patients. In Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems 2023 (TAS ‘23), Edinburgh, UK. *Honourable Mention (Poster) [PDF]

  3. Oktavianus, J. & Bautista, J.R. (2023, July). The roles of third-person perception and subjective norms in motivating healthcare professionals to correct online health misinformation. Presented at the 2023 International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference. Lyon, France.

  4. Sheng, A., Gisondi, M.A., Gottlieb, M., Westafer, L.M., & Bautista, J.R. (2023, May). The role of graduate medical education in the fight against health misinformation. Presented at the 2023 Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) Annual Meeting. Austin, TX.

  5. Bautista, J.R. & Sheng, A. (2023, March). The role of graduate medical education in the fight against health misinformation. Presented at the 2023 Council of Residency Directors in Emergency Medicine (CORD) Academic Assembly. Las Vegas, NV.

  6. Bautista, J.R., Alex, R., & Fleischmann, K.R. (2022, September) Development and Validation of the AI Ethical Concerns Inventory - Healthcare (AIECIH). Presented at the Texas Health Informatics Alliance Conference 2022. Arlington, TX.

  7. Lin, T.T.C., Li, S-H., & Bautista, J.R. (2022, May). Examining social bot use, disinformation interaction and risk attitude in the extended parallel process model. Presented at the 72nd International Communication Annual Conference. Paris, France.

  8. Bautista, J.R., Harrell, D.T., Meyer, E.T., Oliveira, E., Khurshid, A. (2021, November). CORES Issues on Blockchain Deployment in Healthcare: Evidence from Experts. Presented at the 5th Converge to Accelerate (ConV2X 2021): Telehealth & Technology Driving Healthcare Post-Pandemic. USA.

  9. Bautista, J.R. (2021, September). Effect of correction source and correction delivery on intention to take COVID-19 vaccination. Presented at The 3rd Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM 2021). Oxford, UK.

  10. Bautista, J.R., Zhang, Y., & Gwizdka, J. (2021, September). Predicting healthcare professionals’ intention to correct health misinformation on social media. Presented at The 3rd Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media (MISDOOM 2021). Oxford, UK.

  11. Bautista, J.R. (2021, September). Healthcare professionals as digital first responders in fighting COVID-19 misinformation on social media: Lesson learned from a mixed-method research. Presented at the Texas Health Informatics Alliance Conference 2021. Dallas, TX. (video)

  12. Bautista, J.R. (2020, July). Strategies utilized by healthcare professionals to counteract health misinformation on social media. Presented at the 1st Annual Association for Healthcare Social Media Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (video) *One of the Top 5 Abstract Presentations

  13. Desai, I., Shriram, J., Harrell, D., Hanson, L., Muhamman, U., Bautista, J.R., Cowley, C., Holan, C., Alexander, J., Oliveira, E., Khurshid S., Meyer, E., & Khursid, A. (2020, June). MediLinker: Blockchain in electronic health identity management: A patient centric system to increase health information accessibility. Presented at the Health Leadership Apprentice Conference – Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin. Austin, Texas.

  14. Li, L. & Bautista, J.R. (2019, July). Examining personal and media factors associated with attitude towards genetically modified foods in China. Presented at the 2019 International Association for Media and Communication Research Conference. Madrid, Spain.

  15. Bautista, J.R. (2019, March). Policy recommendations on the consumerization of smartphones in healthcare settings. Presented at the 5th NTU CoHASS Graduate Conference. Singapore.

  16. Lauria, P.A.S., Contreras, M.C.S., Maranion, M.M.G., Villanueva, H.H., Sumaguingsing, R.C., Abeleda, R.D., & Bautista, J.R. (2019, February). The association of safety attitudes with perceived quality of care and turnover intention in a private tertiary-level hospital in the Philippines. Presented at the 11th National Nursing Research Conference. Baguio City, Philippines.

  17. Lauria, P.A.S., Bautista, J.R., Contreras, M.C.S., Maranion, M.M.G., Villanueva, H.H., Sumaguingsing, R.C., & Abeleda, R.D. (accepted; February 2019). Development and testing of a statistical model describing the process of staff nurses’ intention to resign: The role of monthly salary, stress, and burnout. Presented at the 12th Manila Doctors College of Nursing Research Congress. Pasay City, Philippines. *2nd Best Research Award (Professional Nurses Category)

  18. Lauria, P.A.S., Contreras, M.C.S., Maranion, M.M.G., Villanueva, H.H., Sumaguingsing, R.C., Abeleda, R.D., & Bautista, J.R. (accepted; February 2019). The association of safety attitudes with perceived quality of care and turnover intention in a private tertiary-level hospital in the Philippines. Presented at the 11th National Nursing Research Conference. Baguio City, Philippines.

  19. Bautista, J.R. (2019, January). To support or not support: Organizational issues faced by nurse administrators on nurses’ use of smartphones for work purposes. Presented at the 41st Pacific Telecommunications Council Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii. *2019 PTC Young Scholar Program Awardee.

  20. Lauria, P.A.S., Contreras, M.C.S., Maranion, M.M.G., Villanueva, H.H., Sumaguingsing, R.C., Abeleda, R.D., & Bautista, J.R. (November 2018). Specific stressors relate to The Medical City staff nurses’ job satisfaction, perceived quality of care and turnover intention. Presented at The Medical City 34th Annual Research Week. Pasig City, Philippines. *Research Presentation Finalist

  21. Bautista, J.R., Rosenthal, S., Lin, T.T.C., & Theng, Y.L. (2018, May). Predictors and outcomes of nurses’ use of personal mobile phones for work purposes. Presented at the 68th International Communication Association Annual Conference. Prague, Czech Republic. *Top Paper in Mobile Communication.

  22. Bautista, J.R., Rosenthal, S., Lin, T.T.C., & Theng, Y.L. (2018, May). Mobile Phone for Clinical Work Scale – Nurses (MPCWS-N): Development and psychometric evaluation. Presented at the 68th International Communication Association Annual Conference. Prague, Czech Republic.

  23. Bautista, J.R., Lauria, P. A. S., & Abeleda, R. (2017, November). Moving from 8- to 12-hour shift: Will it matter? Presented at the 10th National Nursing Research Conference. Naga City, Philippines.

  24. Lauria, P. A. S., Maranion, M. M. G., Bautista, J.R., & Abeleda, R. (2017, November). The role of stress on nurse-outcomes: Does it matter? Presented at the 10th National Nursing Research Conference. Naga City, Philippines.

  25. Villanueva, H. H., Contreras, M. C. S., Bautista, J.R., & Abeleda, R. (2017, November). To stay or not to stay? Nurses’ quality of life, job satisfaction and intention to resign. Presented at the 10th National Nursing Research Conference. Naga City, Philippines.

  26. Sumaguingsing, R. C., Naval, K. J., Bautista, J.R., & Abeleda, R. (2017, November). Burning with passion or burning to ashes? A study on burnout and nurse-outcomes. Presented at the 10th National Nursing Research Conference. Naga City, Philippines.

  27. Bautista, J.R., Theng, Y.L., & Rosenthal, S.B. (2017, July). Nurses’ use of personal mobile phones at work: A multihospital study in the Philippines. Presented at the NTHC@19: Bringing Digital Health Innovations to Scale and Beyond. Manila, Philippines.

  28. Lin, T.T.C., Chiang, Y-.H. & Bautista, J.R. (2017, May). Why do we use second screen devices? Predictors of dual screening and effects on online and offline political participation among Taiwanese Internet users. Presented at the 67th International Communication Association Annual Conference, San Diego, USA.

  29. Bautista, J.R., Lin, T.T.C., Theng, Y.L., & Rosenthal, S.B. (2016, November). Predicting hospital nurses’ use of personal mobile phones at work: Towards a research model based on Theory of Planned Behavior & Organizational Support Theory. Presented at the 7th Honours Symposium for Asian PhD Students in Communication Research. Hong Kong, China.

  30. Lin, T.T.C., Chiang, Y-H., Bautista, J.R., & Teo, W. (2016, June). Understanding multiscreen video consumption: Examining viewers' media multitasking motivations, polychronic tendency and media repertoire. Presented at the 2016 International Telecommunications Society Annual Conference. Taipei, Taiwan.

  31. Bautista, J.R. (2016, June). Nurses’ use of social media: Perspectives from the Philippines. Presented at the 66th International Communication Association Annual Conference. Fukuoka, Japan.

  32. Bautista, J.R. & Lin, T.T.C. (2016, June). Predictors and impact of nurses’ use of personal mobile phones at work: An empirical study in the Philippines. Presented at the 66th International Communication Association Annual Conference. Fukuoka, Japan. *One of the presentations for the top-ranked plenary proposal at 66th ICA Mobile Preconference

  33. Lin, T.T.C., Bautista, J.R., Chiang, Y-.H., Quek, R.A. (2016, June). Examining perceived value of location-based mobile advertising applications among Taiwanese smartphone users. Presented at the 66th International Communication Association Annual Conference. Fukuoka, Japan.

  34. Bautista, J.R. & Lin, T.T.C. (2016, June). A sociotechnical analysis of staff nurses' use of personal mobile phones at work: Perspectives from the Philippines. Presented at the 66th International Communication Association Annual Conference. Fukuoka, Japan.

  35. Lin, T.T.C., Chiang, Y-H., Liew, K.K., Theng, Y.L., Bautista, J.R., Teo, W. (2016, April). How sociability and social presence influence viewers’ bridging social capital and program loyalty. Presented at the 2016 Broadcast Education Association Annual Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada. *Top 2 debut paper. 

  36. Bautista, J.R., Buenrostro, I., Sagun, K.K., Guo, Q., & Ho, S.S. (2015, July). The intricate road of supporting equal rights among homosexuals: An empirical study in Singapore. Presented at the 21st Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies. Hong Kong, China. *Top 2 outstanding paper award for young scholars

  37. (2015, July). Social support on Twitter: The case of Bautista, J.R.the Philippine’s #Fallen44. Presented at the 21st Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies. Hong-Kong, China.

  38. Bautista, J.R. & Ho, H. (2015, November). Factors influencing pre-board examination scores among students enrolled in a nursing review center in the Philippines. Presented at the 3rd NUS-NUH International Nursing Conference & 20th Joint Singapore-Malaysia Nursing Conference. Singapore.

  39. Theng, Y.L., Nguyen, Q.N.T., Pham, T.P. & Bautista, J.R. (2015, May). Haze analytics tools (HATS). Presented at the 7th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development. Singapore.

  40. Lin, T.T.C. & Bautista, J.R. (2015, May). Investigating determinants affecting trialability of mHealth apps and youth’s mHealth literacy. Presented at the 65th International Communication Association Annual Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico.

  41. Lin, T.T.C. & Bautista, J.R. (2015, May). Examining the roles of efficacy, threat, and media trust: The case of haze pollution in Singapore. Presented at the 65th International Communication Association Annual Conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico.

  42. Bautista, J.R. & Lin, T.T.C. (2014, August). Predictors of perceived value in location-based advertising and consumer attitudes. Presented at the 20th Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies. Rhode Island, USA.

  43. Lin, T.T.C., Chiang, Y.H., & Bautista, J.R. (2014, August). A model of mobile dependency: Exploring relationships between psychological attributes, mobile phone activities, dependency symptoms and usage. Presented at the 20th Conference of the International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies. Rhode Island, USA.

  44. Lin, T.T.C., Bautista, J.R., Paragas, F. & Goh, D. (2014, May). Examining consumer acceptance of location based mobile advertising: Affective attitude, use intention and consumer response. Presented at the 64th International Communication Association Annual Conference. Seattle, USA.

  45. Paragas, F., Lin, T.T.C., Goh, D. & Bautista, J.R. (2014, May). Situating privacy concerns in intent to use location-based advertising in Singapore. Presented at the 64th International Communication Association Annual Conference. Seattle, USA.

  46. Lin, T.T.C., Bautista, J.R., Paragas, F., & Tan, M. (2013, June). Drivers and challenges of evolving location based advertising in Singapore. Presented at the 63rd International Communication Association Annual Conference. London, UK.

  47. Ho, H., Carsula, R. & Bautista, J.R. (2013, February). Independent and collaborative nurse learners demonstrate better cognitive competencies: Considerations in preparing nursing graduates for licensure examinations. Poster presented at the 16th East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS) Conference. Bangkok, Thailand.

  48. Ho, H., Basit, S., Bautista, J.R., Veloso, V.G., & Ples, M. (2008, September). Moringa Oleifera Lam. tea in the management of hyperglycemia. Presented at the Silver Jubilee International Conference on New Frontier in Health Service and Management. Bangkok, Thailand.

  49. Basit, S., Ho, H., Castro, C.Z., Carvajal, T., Bautista, J.R., Luna, G. (2008, September). Student nurses’ perceptions of the educational climate in community: Implications for pedagogy and management. Presented at the Silver Jubilee International Conference on New Frontier in Health Service and Management. Bangkok, Thailand.

  50. Sumaya, J., Luna, G., Bautista, J.R., & Shroff, A. (2008, May). Healing hands and bridging hope: The community immersion program of the Trinity University of Asia – St. Luke’s College of Nursing. Video presented at the 6th Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion (CUAC) International Conference. Hong Kong, China. [video link:]

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